Customer Reviews

Shelving, telephone and spice rack
by Phyllis on 3/12/2017
You get all 3 of these items to put together. I lightly put a coat of the stain that came with the kit on the what not shelf letting some of the lighter color of the plastic show through. I let it dry and then put it together. After putting it together I applied a coat of Mod Podge, the shiny one. Back in the day, the furniture was kept polished, so I thought a shiny top coat would look best. It came out super. I put a heavier coat of the stain on both of the other pieces before assembling them. After assembling the main parts, I put a coat of the shiny Mod Podge on, then assembled the rest of the pieces. Now all it needs are some accessory pieces for the shelf and the spice rack.

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